BREAKING NEWS: We just secured a $6.35M verdict in the delay of diagnosis of breast cancer!

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Your Accident

Having an accident is a terrifying experience, especially when injuries are involved. Police, ambulances, and hospitals are typical parts of the process, multiplying the confusion and fear of the victim. It is imperative for the injured victim to have a clear understanding of how to handle and pursue medical treatment, a lost earnings claim, and a lawsuit, says Alan Ripka, Esq.

Most people have never been through a lawsuit for injuries and don’t have the slightest idea of how to navigate through the letters, claim forms, and insurance company requirements, much less the court system. A good law firm with a lot of experience in accident-related laws will undoubtedly ease your worries and handle all of the legal requirements necessary to get you compensation for your pain and suffering, medical bills and lost income.

Not all lawyers are equal. Some do not pay attention to the early investigation of the facts. Some do not follow up on all of your medical treatment. Some do not hire experts in the fields required to get ahead of the defense. Your author, a plaintiff’s lawyer, is sure to do all those things and more, because if you do not, your chances of success are diminished.

When you are the person suing another party, the plaintiff, your responsibility, through your attorney, if you choose, is to prove your case. That requires hard work and creativity. Sitting around and waiting for something to happen is a good recipe for losing. An attorney must determine who is at fault through investigation. An attorney must put the culprits on notice within the legal time requirements. All the information and evidence must be gathered, organized and analyzed. Witnesses must be interviewed. Photos must be taken, measurements of the area taken, if applicable, and a lawsuit started rapidly.

Furthermore, all accident/injury victims have the right to know what’s going on with their case. Victims should always feel comfortable visiting their lawyer and going over the case file. Victims should expect their messages to be returned within three days and should not be shy about asking questions. As far as Alan Ripka is concerned, a lawyer works for the client. Alan Ripka will be there with you during your suit every step of the way by ensuring he obtains all of your medical records, complying with insurance company requirements, putting the appropriate parties on notice of a lawsuit, conducting the appropriate investigation, navigating the legal system, and keeping you informed of everything that unfolds in your case.

If your or that of a loved one have been injured in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Alan Ripka and his professional team of lawyers can evaluate your situation and determine the next steps to gain justice for you and your family. Alan Ripka has fought against large companies in other matters and will fight for you if he believes you have a potential case for medical malpractice, products liability, personal injury, and is prepared to go to court and have a trial if necessary. Please contact me, Alan Ripka, and submit or call. Please mention that you read this blog.

