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Born With Brain Damage!

Have you wondered why your child is not acting the way he or she should? Has your baby not reached the milestones that you were told that they would? Has the doctor avoided your concerns and told you “everything will be fine?” If any of this has happened to you, your child may have some developmental problem or disorder as a result of the care you received from the doctors, nurses, or hospital. If your gut instinct or your observations cause you to believe your child was not treated appropriately by health providers than contact attorney Alan Ripka.

While watching your child develop, you should look for the following milestones: at a month, your child should be able to lift his head and respond to sounds; at three months, your child should be able to lift his head, follow a moving object from side to side, and hold his arms open. At six months, your child should be able to reach for and grasp objects, pass objects from hand to hand, and pull himself to a sitting position, babble, and recognize familiar faces. At a year, your child should be able to feed himself with finger foods, grasp small objects, stand by himself momentarily, crawl, imitate sounds and actions, show anxiety upon separation from parents, and try to “talk.”

Often times, things go wrong at childbirth, and the mother will not be told. Of course, the doctors are hoping that all is fine and no one needs to know of anything amiss. However, problematic births can cause a lack of oxygen to a baby’s brain, causing severe and permanent brain damage. This means that the baby’s future will require a lot of medical care and money. If you believe your child was wrongfully injured than you have the right to bring a lawsuit against the responsible parties.

If you notice any that any of the above milestones have not been reached at the appropriate times, please reach out to Alan Ripka immediately. Alan Ripka says, “a babies future is everything, and all must be done to protect it.” If you or a loved one has a child who has not reached their development milestones, you may be entitled to compensation. Alan Ripka and his professional team of lawyers can evaluate your situation and determine the next steps to gain justice for you and your family. Alan Ripka has fought against large companies in other matters and will fight for you if we believe you have a potential case for medical malpractice, products liability, personal injury, and is prepared to go to court and have a trial if necessary. Please call or contact Alan Ripka.

